We received an approval of a self-filed EB-1A Extraordinary Ability Alien Petition filed on behalf of an Indian National who is among the small percentage of researchers at the top of the field of Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry. Our client single-handedly designed and developed a novel antimicrobial treatment against multidrug-resistant bacterial infections that is widely considered one of the leading medical breakthroughs of the 21st century. His drug discovery is patented and is being developed for commercial use by a pharmaceutical company. We provided evidence of his sustained international acclaim in his field via at least 3 of the enumerated categories in the federal regulations. Getson & Schatz, P.C. is proud to help the very best medical researchers in the world obtain United States Permanent Resident Status.
Make the safe choice. Choose Getson for your EB-1/NIW case.
Free Consultations with Attorney Brian Getson available via Zoom, Skype and Phone