Our client, an Indian foreign national, is a cardiorenal disease researcher at a prominent medical center in New Orleans, LA. His employer had filed a PERM labor certification on his behalf and he had an approved EB-2 I-140 Petition based on the certified PERM labor certification application. However, our client did not wish to wait more than 4 years to apply for his green card which was the situation due to the retrogression of EB-2 priority dates for Indian nationals.
Accordingly, our firm prepared and filed a “self-filed” EB-1A Extraordinary Ability Alien Petition on his behalf as his research accomplishments had placed him among the small percentage of researchers at the top of his field and afforded him sustained international acclaim. His research had advanced the field through his discovery of the underlying molecular mechanisms of various cardiorenal diseases and his identification of multiple drug targets for the treatment of cardiorenal diseases.
Evidence submitted in support of the EB-1A petition included his publications in top-ranked international journals, published material about him in professional publications and major media, his activity judging the work of others in his field as a peer-reviewer for international journals, evidence of his performance in a leading or critical role for an organization with a distinguished reputation, and evidence of his original scientific contributions of major significance to the field. The EB-1A petition was filed using the premium processing service and was approved in 5 days.
Following approval of the EB-1A petition, our client and his derivative family members filed for green card applications and our client and his family now have their green cards. If the EB-1A petition had not been filed and approved our client and his family would still be waiting more than 4 years to apply for their green cards!